

Here other best AliExpress alternatives for dropshipping based on my knowledge which can ship the item fast and have good quality as your reference. 🙂

  1. Spocket: This company provides US and EU dropshipping suppliers. The product will be shipped from the US or EU, so you will not face a long shipping time, the quality product also great.
  2. Salehoo
  3. Printful & Printify: Print On Demand Manufactur base in the USA, EURO, JAP, and AUS. The company can fulfill the order fast with good quality. I myself using Printful and Printify to do Shopify Dropshipping POD by collaborating with an artist (Organic traffic). This allows me to ship good quality products fast from the US, EU, and AUS.
  4. eBay: We can approach several eBay sellers based in the USA as dropshipping suppliers by sending them a message and tell them that we’re interested in dropshipping from them.
  5. Etsy: There so many unique and craft products made in the USA that we can use to dropship. You can send messages to the sellers to ensure their quantity enough for you to dropship from them.
  6. Banggood USA: The product in Banggood is the same as AliExpress. The difference here the Bangood USA stored their product in a US warehouse for faster shipping
  7. US Brand (Wholesale): we can approach brand owners on their official site and apply as an authorized dealer (Wholesale Program) to promote their products through the dropshipping business model. One of them is thebabygiftbox.com and babybasket.com
  8. US Dropshipping Supplier Facebook group: Another alternative you can use to find US dropshipping suppliers by joining the US dropshipping supplier Facebook group. You can post something in the group to say that you’re looking for a supplier in a specific niche. The supplier will PM back to us with detailed information.
  9. CJ Dropshipping: Even though CJ dropshipping is a middle man like Oberlo, the company can provide a freight line shipping method through YunExpress or CJ packet for your dropshipping order as long as you sync your store with them. You can ship your packet from China faster using a special line which is considered more expensive than epacket.
  10. Sourcinbox: This sourcing agent can help you fulfill your order using a special line (freight line) such as Yun Express to ship the packet to the customer. You can use this company if you have consistent daily dropshipping orders. It works effectively if you have found your winning product and want to scale up.



This is a complete list of all country ISO codes as described in the ISO 3166 international standard.
These codes are used throughout the IT industry by computer systems and software to ease the identification of country names.
We have compiled them in the quick reference table below in order to help our clients do quick conversions from the numeric or 2 letter code to any country name.


国外stream site种子站整理

最近在研究stream site,整理一些国外电影下载站stream site种子站,流量非常大,基本上都是top级别的。

https://rarbg.to/       更新最快
https://www.1377x.to/     数一数二
https://thepiratebay.org/  海盗湾
https://unblockninja.com/  这个网站是反代了市面上所有流行的stream site,牛
https://torrentbay.to/     也是反代网站,跟上面一样,流量都做到非常大。


Streaming site

最近在研究stream site,blackhatworld上面的一个帖子,思路挺好:

Part 1 : Movies Niche : Pros and Cons

1/ Pros :

  • Easy to get viral
  • Low capital required
  • Hard work pays off

2/ Cons :

  • There’re lots of work to do
  • It’s illegal in most countries, so you need to stay anonymous.
  • High volume competitors
  • DMCA
  • Time consuming

Part 2 : What you need to build a site

1/ Domain : In this niche, the most used and hard-to-be-taken-down extension is .to and .is . You can buy these domains on tonic.to or isnic.is. Tonic accepts paypal while on isnic you will need a credit card to place an order.

2/ Hosting/Server : You will need an offshore hosting, I would prefer server, or at least a VPS for better performance. After reading some threads about illegal sites here, I went with Knownsrv service.

3/ The script : You can use WordPress and Dooplay theme (there is a thread about this, please use the Search feature to find it), or build your own script, choose the one which is easier for you to manage.

Part 3 : Getting the streaming/movies links.

This task will take most of your time. There’re currently 2 type of streaming links that all sites are using :

1/GG Link : Site owners upload video files into google drive/photo, then use these links on their sites.

  • Pros : 99.99% uptime, low-to-no buffering, no ads
  • Cons : need gg account, time to do the download/upload, files getting deleted.

2/Links from video hosting services : Video files are hosted on 3rd party video hosting services, such as vidoza, onlystream, upstream….

  • Pros : earn extra money by getting visitors playing the video hosted on these sites. Average rate is about $40 per 10000 tier 1 visitors. You can do remote upload from other sites/servers , some sites can help you to deal with DMCA, or you can create clone of the files instead of re-uploading.
  • Cons : way too many pop-up, which will make your users feel uncomfortable, therefor it will decrease your returning visitors rate. For new site, I do not recommend this type of streaming links.

When I first started in this niche, I am with 2nd option, but now moving to the 1st as it will help me to grow and monetize the site better (no one likes a site with 5-6 pop up before watching a video right?)

Part 4 : Getting the traffic

  • Social network :
  • Reddit is the gold mine. You need an account with good Karma to post your link on relevant sub-reddit, and a few more accounts to upvote your link to get it to the TOP/HOT page.
  • Don’t forget to build a Twitter/FB page, it will help you to connect with your users, give them new update, or taking their feedbacks to make the site better. I always have a pop up on my site asking users to follow me on twitter or share my site on their FB, so it will reach more people day by day.
  • SEO : The DMCA is so aggressive these days, SEO is not my choice. I only did on-page SEO, no off-page was done on any of my sites.
  • Paid traffic : No
  • Luckiness : Yes You read it right. One of my site got featured on a big youtube channel, and the traffic went from 500 visits a day to 10000 visits a day, and many keywords are in first page now – from ONLY ONE youtube video with link in description.

Part 5 : Monetizing

Once you have some decent traffic, you can begin monetizing it with Pop, CPA, and Native ads. I’m not good at this, and still learning to maximize my profit.

CONCLUSION : Movies niche is still profitable if you know what you’re doing. And remember : hard work ALWAYS pays off.

PS : I am working on the script to add some features, ETA will be at the end of Jan. I will then share it FREE to some people to help them to get into this niche.


If u wanna to download it and reupload on you host/stream platfrom you need to do this : First scrape all video links for example https://vidoza.net/embded-24121.html > then you need to navigate into scraped link (in our case vidoza) then you should extract the source code of page and search for .mp4 url or m3u8 and then you can download it with ffmpeg. I do the same thing but i find some troubles on vidlox stream platform. I cant download multiplite urls at once time (in vidlox). I sucessfully bypass vidast.co protections and can download multiple videos at once time. Vidfast.co use m3u8 streams only vidlox.me uses .mp4 and m3u8 streams , youdbox .mp4 streams only. For other i cant help u.
Note: The link urls (.mp4, m3u8 urls) on some platforms have iplock you should to know about this.

So here is the plan:
1-> extract all movie/tvshows page on target website ( u can use curl for this)
2.On extracted pages search for embded link and extract it
3.Get embded link source code (u can use curl )
4. Search on source code( on step 3) for .mp4 or m3u8 link
5. Download with ffmpeg
6. Profit


英文网站流量统计除了Google Analytics还有哪些选择

国内网站统计,大家很熟悉的有百度统计、cnzz(被友盟收购)、51la和腾讯分析。但是英文网站,除了大家熟悉的Google Analytics,还有哪些选择呢?

Google Analytics功能很强大,配合Tag manager,很多有意思的用法。但是如果“很多网站”,避免关联,就不太适合用Google Analytics了(你懂的)。

统计了,目前常用的英文网站流量统计追踪工具,除了Google Analytics,还主要有以下几种。

  1. Yandex Metrica
    俄罗斯搜索引擎Yandex的统计工具,最关键的是Yandex Metrica能够统计到Google搜索关键词。
  2. StatCounter
    StatCounter 统计是一较大的国外免费在线流量统计服务商,搜索功能可以监控不同的搜索引擎,浏览器和操作系统的市场份额。StatCounter全球数据统计工具的重 心不同于Compete, Alexa, Google Trends,或 Quantcast等所提供的服务,因为它不是通过专门的网站来分流(break out)数据,而只关注这些高层次的统计资料。最大的亮点在于StatCounter的数据可追溯到去年年中的时候,并允许以大陆和国家为类别将数据重新 排序。这对于网站的分析、比较、找出用户的搜索习惯作出较好的判断依据。
  3. Histats
    简单强大统计图表样式可供选择,提供多种方式的统计显示图,包括当日统计、最后30天统计和总统计等,统计数据 也涵盖页面浏览量、点击量、反向链接。
  4. W3counter
    W3counter是一个强大免费的网站统计和分析利器,提供了一常见的统计分析功能:包括网站总访问数和页面访问数、 Feed 状态分析、访问者地区,访问者用的系统、浏览器、屏幕分辨率。可以替代Google analytics 的界面太复杂了。
  5. Clicky
  6. Matomo(原Piwik)
  7. Umami

用Revive Adserver搭建广告系统

Revive Adserver之前Affiliate期间跑广告的时候用过,今天整理网站的时候翻出来了,记录下来,备忘!

Revive Adserver是一个自由开源的基于LAMP的广告管理系统,能使出版商,广告平台和广告商在网页、应用、视频上投放并管理广告的系统。Revive Adserver以前叫做OpenX Source,遵循GNU通用公共授权协议。它集广告管理、网站定位、地理定位和一个用于数据收集的跟踪系统于一体。能使网站站长管理内部的、付费的以及第三方来源的广告,如谷歌的AdSense 。

Revive Adserver官方网站:https://www.revive-adserver.com/







  • HK的银行+护照就可以开stripe了,不过HK的银行频繁的商业活动会被关注,也会触发stripe二次审核,注册个HK的公司好一点。
  • 香港公司+香港手机号。
  • 美国stripe,之前是大部分用户选择的,不过难点是需要SSN,因为SSN相比以前很难得到的了,所以用的人越来越少了,现有的解决方案是注册一家美国公司,办理美国公司雇主识别号EIN(联邦税号)。在Stripe后台绑定上EIN号,会与IRS美国国税局进行号码核验,通过审核后获得Stripe账号。
  • 欧洲Stripe,这个是去年下半年有人研究出来的方法。不需要准备太多的资料,有国内资料即可。但是个人自己弄比较费劲,网上有一些服务商来弄,所以属于花钱省时间那种。



PingPong,连连支付,WintoPay,万里汇(world first),Wise(Wiretransfer)等


CJ支票托收及Google Adsense西联汇款经历

说说今天中午去中国银行办理CJ支票托收,和去中国农业银行办理Google Adsense西联汇款的经历吧。



Google Adsense的汇款是10月27日签发的,也只有100多美元。一个站,放在那里,时间关系也没怎么打理它。 继续阅读




很多人在选择虚拟主机(Virtual Hosting)或者VPS的时候因为备案,网络审查,外贸等原因都倾向于把主机放在美国。美国作为互联网的中心,有个分布最密集的光纤网络,带宽等成本因为规模庞大,竞争激烈等因素也是全球最低的。

正是嗅到了美国主机的商机,海外主机代购也自然而然蓬勃发展起来了。考虑美国主机,除了选择何种类型的主机(虚拟主机还是VPS亦或是主机合租), 主机商自身的信誉,服务,价格,稳定些等之外,如果你的网站受众主要还是来自大陆,主机所在的机房位置也是一个重要的考虑因素。

中美之间的网络电话等数据传输毫无疑问得通过跨域太平洋的海底光缆来进行。目前中美之间有两条直达海底光缆,一条是China-US Cable Network。

China-US Cable Network

网络容量达到了80Gbps,中国大陆登陆点为崇明岛和汕头,美国登陆点为加州的San Luis Obispo(位于圣何塞与洛杉矶之间)。 继续阅读